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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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help about size for tour cobalt 9.9

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I want buy tour cobalt 9.9 on US site (I am from France) but I don't find similar sizing chart on different sites so I don't know which size I need.

I wear normaly 42,5 shoes (mizuno 42,5 which correspond to 9,5 for US size) I have a wide foot.

Could you say me which size will be better for those roller?

Thank you in advance for your help


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Thank you for your answer

But I see this size chart but I find other size chart with different size chart (tour site, hockeygiant, hockey outlet).

I f there is people who have 42,5 european shoes, could you say me which size (tour size) you have?

Thank you in advance


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Depending on how you fill out a 9.5 US shoe - you will be a 8.5 or an 8.

I am somewhere between a 10.5 and 11 US shoe. 10.5's are a little small and 11's are a little big. I wear a size 9.5 Tour skate.

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