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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Binghampton @ St. John's in T.O.

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Glad to hear Spezza, Vermette, Pothier are going to play. Looking forward to a great game on Friday the 3rd. Anyone going?

I've seen them twice this year at WB Penguins about an hour down the road from Binghampton....both were good games..Spezza is slick but Vermette is more fun to watch..great burst....

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Glad to hear Spezza, Vermette, Pothier are going to play.  Looking forward to a great game on Friday the 3rd.  Anyone going?

I've seen them twice this year at WB Penguins about an hour down the road from Binghampton....both were good games..Spezza is slick but Vermette is more fun to watch..great burst....

Yup, Vermette is a speedster, but the main attraction for me is Spezza...he was always in the press box when I was at Ottawa/Toronto games a couple years back, so I never got to see him play, but finally my time has come. Hope he has a good one.

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