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Reebok 11k Helmet Fit/advice

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So I am in the market for a new helmet and am looking at the 11k. I have been wearing the 8k for a few years now.

My problem is, no LHS near me (Albany, NY) has the 11k. So I can't try one on. I was wondering how the fit was on the 11k or should I just go with another 8k since I already know the fit of it and can't try the 11k on?

If I can't get an 8k in my size, would the new 7k be the same thing (minus the micro-dial)?

Thanks in advance!

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The 11K didn't fit me, even though the 6K and 4K do so I can't really comment on that. I've heard that the fit aspect is pretty versatile though, especially with the Microdial 2 and the floating liner so I'd be willing to bet that you'd be okay in the 11K. And yes, the 7K is essentially the 8K except for a lower quality plastic subshell instead of the composite on the 8K.

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Thanks for the info guys, it is a huge help.

as for the 7k, that sucks. I was a huge fan of the composite in the 8k. For some reason the 6k and 4k don't fit right for me. The 4k I understand, but dont understand why the 6k wouldn't fit. Maybe it was just the one I tried on?

Again thanks for the info:-)

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I agree with you regarding the fit of Reebok helmets, I didn't fit into anything else either haha. I wear a 4K in Medium (largest setting) atm and it's as close to a perfect fit as you can get. I recently discovered that a 6K L (smallest setting) fits well too. It's simply the EPP and VN foam that makes a difference.

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I went from an 8k to an 11k and the only difference in fit was that I had to actually tighten the microdial on the 11k which now will actually stay in place, unlike on the 8k where it was pretty much useless, the same size helmet should fit for you as it did for me.

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