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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Pants Crisis - Tackla vs Eagle Pants Sizing

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IGNORE MY POST - I did a search and found the answer... should have searched first. Sorry!

After years in Bauer One90s they got shredded to sh_t and I had to replace them. Last month I picked up the TotalOne's. Loved them!! Unfortunately they are ripping where the strap comes through the front of the pad. One side shredded all the way down and the other is on its way. I'm a bigger guy and my waist seems to push out the side panels and it stresses that spot. It really shouldn't happen - pretty flimsy construction in that spot. Anyway.... even though I can get a warranty exchange, now I need to get new pants because I think it will happen again in the same model.

I'm thinking of Tackla and Eagle.

Tackla is clearly a great pant. Fit great and and so well padded. I tried on the 9000. The problem is that the thigh is just so damn big and loose and I just don't like that. Has anyone tried their newer line - the 1051? Are they cut the same way or is the leg trimmer?

I also saw the Eagle's online. They look nice. Has anyone had experience with Eagle pants? They have the PPF, X95 and X88. How are they cut? Like Tackla or like Bauer?

Thanks for the help boys (and girls!)

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