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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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List of UK hockey shops

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Mods - can we make this a sticky?

There aren't many hockey shops in the UK that I know of, so thought it would be good to make a 'sticky' for UK shops to help new, or returning, players. A lot of them are well hidden and take some googling to find if you don't know their names.

Here's the shops I know of:

Hockey Range (www.hockeyrange.com)

Demon Extreme (www.demonxtreme.com)

Crazy Kennys (www.ice-hockey-skates.co.uk)

Proline Skates (www.prolineskates.com)

Get Inline (www.get-inline.co.uk)

The Hockey Locker (www.thehockeylocker.co.uk)

Skate Attack (www.skateattack.co.uk)

Can-am Sports (www.can-am.co.uk)

Maybe if people could add shops that they know of and I'll add them to this list?


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