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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pond Hockey around DC?

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Just wondering if the DC area gets cold enough for any pond hockey during the winter. Weather seems a bit mild but I remember in last years 24/7 they mentioned a place "off the Potomac". I might be moving there in the next year or so and want the little one to experience it.

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I live in Northern Virginia. I have been here for about 4 years. Some years you may get a week or so where it is cold enough and I know people who have gone out on local ponds, but the window is short and variable. This area sits on the boundry of two climate zones, weather varies greatly.

There are a lot of indoor rinks around.

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Thanks for the scoop. That is kind of what I figured, good to know for sure. I was out there last year and did a tour of some of the local rinks on a day off. You guys seem to have a great local scene going on.

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if the weather cooperates there are a few ponds in the Frederick area that i skate on. But yes there is pond hockey but not often enough to start up a league

My League also did a pond hockey thing to change things up a little. for our rink.

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