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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Law Goalie

Instructional YouTube Channel for Minor Hockey Goalies: Improvements?

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Since I know there are more than a few knowledgeable goalies, positional and team coaches, and parents of goalies on MSH, I wanted to ask for some help with a YouTube channel that we're trying to set up for our local minor hockey association. We've had some good feedback from within the association, but I thought I'd open things up to some new ideas.

YouTube - GBHA Goalie Skills

I'd be curious to know which of the current clips were most effective for whom, and why, and what could be added to improve either individual videos or the channel generally.

We're not at the point of producing our own content yet, but if you have an idea for a video you've never seen before, or for a better version of something you have see, that would be very helpful too.


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