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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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warrior zetter pro vs gionta

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pretty close to ordering a widow but wanted to ask a few questions

1. anyone with personal experience with the zetterberg pro want to give an opinion? or a gionta for that matter?

2. im 6'3 220, usually play with a 110 cause most 100 flexs dont hold up well with one timers, but enjoy 100 flexs for wrist shots..is the widow noticeably whippier than comparable sticks?

3. if ordering custom, what are some recommended grips etc i should think about?

thanks for the help!

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I have the Zata pro on a custom, I think it's a great curve. Kinda Drury-esque, surprising not thin in the heel area. I had a Gionta on a Dolomite, but I couldn't get used to the toe curve. They're pretty different curves.

I'm 6'1" 240 and I currently use a 90 flex custom Dolomite. I've used an 85 flex Widow and a 100 flex and I'd say the 100 flex felt really solid and that the 85 felt fairly whippy. A little too whippy for my liking.

I went with the velvet grip, it's my favorite of the Warrior grips.

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Depends on what kind of curve you like now. If you're using heel curves, the Zetterberg would probably be better. If you're using a Sakic-type, the Gionta was an easy transition for me. If you're using something else, I don't know what to tell you. Pick what you're comfortable with, but you will get used to whatever curve you use eventually.

The Widow has a different flex to it. I'm 6'1", 230-ish, and I played with a 100 flex Widow. They feel whippier than a normal 100 flex when shooting, but are pretty normal for stickhandling and whatnot. You get used to it quick.

Grip depends on what you're used to. I liked clear sticks for awhile, then I bought a shaft with a grip on it, and now I get annoyed when I use a non-grip stick. It's personal preference.

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