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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stock vapor pitch vs stock supreme pitch

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I was wondering what is stock vapor pitch is, I have read here that stock supremes are -1, so I am assuming that stock vapors are +1, can anyone clarify?

I went from vapors to supremes (fit is superior in the supreme boot) and I want to achieve a pitch as close to vapors as possible.

Also: I read that all bauer skates come with a stock radius of 9foot is this true?

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Supremes feel like you're back on your heels when going from other skates because your heels are locked better. Adding shims would help.

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Supremes feel like you're back on your heels when going from other skates because your heels are locked better. Adding shims would help.

That's not true; different ankle padding shapes and heel shapes fit different feet.

To the OP : yes all Bauer steel is 9'


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