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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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South Florida Players - Need players

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Looking for players for next season at Glacier Arena. It's a C-League, bordering on a B-League. Several players that played at Saveology Iceplex's B-League have come here and started teams in the C, I wouldn't even call it a C league anymore in fact but anyway, our team has been together for the past 7 seasons and have come a very long way. We just need a few players with skill, good attitudes and who are RELIABLE. In particular, we are looking for quality D and a Goalie but will gladly bring on anyone who is reliable, has skill and has a good attitude.

Goalie - Our current goalie is leaving the team after 6 seasons. Each season, we've led the league in GAA and have had the fewest GA.

Defensemen - Must be excellent at breakout passes! This is something we've lacked. Strong in front of the net.

The current season has about 4 weeks left + playoffs so the next season should start shortly after that. Please give me a shout via PM.

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