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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Team Full - Players needed in Calgary AB, for Summer Rec Ice Hockey Team

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** Update Team full now, thanks**

Hello all,

The beer league team (Warthogs) I run here in Calgary is going to try playing Summer Hockey this year and I'm looking for a few more skaters to fill out the team (already got the goalie). We are going to be playing in the WinSport League (WCHL) out of the new rinks at COP and all the games are at the same place so that's nice. The Warthogs are the "Bad News Bears" of the Beer League hockey world, so if you are looking to win every night this might not be the team for you. However if you are interested in having some fun while getting a good skate and maybe enjoying a beverage after the game, then this is the team for you.

Some info on the league & team:

• Non-contact League

• 7 divisions, with seeding - so we play teams at our level

• All games at the WinSport rinks (COP)

• Games played Sunday - Thursday (no Sundays on long weekends)

• No games start later than 10:15 pm (around 75% of games start earlier)

• 14 games + 1 guaranteed playoff game

• Round Robin playoff format in 2nd round

• No games on Stampede Week

• All-Star Game and Skills Competition

• Season starts first week of May, ends the end of Aug.

• 2 refs and score keeper

• Full stats and website

• Standard hockey rules

• The Warthogs run an 18 skater plus goalies roster

The cost will be $420 for the season, which includes 2 team jerseys you keep ($300 in fees, $60 each jersey). Minimum 50% of fees needed before Feb. 15th 2012.

If you are interested or have more questions please send me a PM.



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Hey Cole,

This will be our first time in this league so I'm not 100% sure what the skill level of the league will be, but they are shooting for 7 division and they will be doign seeding so I'm pretty sure the team will end up in the right division.

As for the team I'm running (Warthogs) we would be D or E level team (4th or 5th Div) in this league.

Let me know if you have any more questions

Hey im interested in joining the team as I live very close to COP, but I was wondering what type of skill level is this?

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