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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission (2003) RX Skates

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They are 80 bucks and I'm looking for a decent pair of mission's for practice. Does anyone have these or know of there quality. All the mission's I've had have held up great but I've never heard of the RX. Thanks for the help!

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I had a set of mission RX's and liked them quite a bit. They were my 2nd pair of hockey skates I had. The only problem I had with them is that they didn't come in half sizes. I bought a 10 when should have had a 9 1/2 and the 10 was just too big. (and a 9 was to tight). 80.00 for them is a great price, considering the were originally 140.00ish.

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