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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jr quality compared to Sr?

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Hi guys,

I was just wondering if there was any real difference between the way Jr equipment is made compared to the Sr one. For instance, I'm a pretty short guy (about 5'5''), and I currently use 6D size skates. I know that I could easily get into a 5.5D skate though and, tell you the truth, I don't know if it wouldn't even be a better fit (hard to find skates to try on here in Argentina). Is it worth the shot, considering Jr sized skates are considerably cheaper than their Sr couterparts? Or is there something about the quality of the build I should be taking into account as well?

Thanks everyone!!

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I use Junior skates. The stiffness is not the same but quality is on par in my experience. I weight 175 and have no problems with my CCM U12s. I would get the one of the 2 highest models though to make sure the skate is stiff enough for you.

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Yeah... I weigh about the same if not a bit less. I think I'd be OK going to juniors. It sucks I don't have any way of trying some on though.

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