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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sizing APX skates

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I'm going to try some of these things. I wonder since i didn't have this with my X60's if its due to switching to cheap waxed laces for the first time? I'm going to go back to unwaxed and see if that helps also.

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tried some foam padding, changed the laces and it didn't help. I noticed that the channel insert in this tongue is much stiffer and harder than the tongue on my x60 for some reason. Now wondering if its that causing my pain? Would be weary to try and take it out. Gonna also try some lace bite gel pads next, keep you all posted.

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finally tried the pencil test on the 60's and apx and what do you know there is a big difference and obviously i failed with my apx's. Didn't think there was a big volume difference in those 2 skates. Put some felt with a hole cut out on the back of the tongue to try next. But also let me clarify that only my right skate has lace bite which seems odd.

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I am curious about the sizing of the APX skate. I'm currently wearing Easton Stealth S17, size 9 and it fits perfect lenght wise, little snug at first but after break in my toes are not cramped anymore. So looking for the same exact size in APX skate. I measured my foot from the heel to big toe and it was 27.4cm.

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Does CCM/Reebok have same sizing in length? Alltought CCM size 8,5 is EUR 43 as Bauer has EUR 44 iin size 8,5. I tried my teammates ccm u+ cl in size 8 and it was way too small.

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