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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I dont know if it makes it heal faster but i know a couple. first lean on your good elbow on a table. let your bad arm dangle down and swing it back and forth. also you can walk your hand up the wall to slowly lift it. lifting it is the hardest part of a broken collarbone.

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I broke mine in three place at once. It was about 3 weeks in the brace-thing, and another couple of weeks to get full motion and strength training going on. About 3 months for 100% recovery.

The bone is a very strange shape now. It has a " -^- " look to it now. :( :blink:

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Ive been out for about 2 and a half weeks and my doctor says that I cant do anything for another 2 and a half weeks so I'm gonna do exactly wat he says.

I've also been wearing the sling/immobilizer for 2 and half weeks and only have to wear it till the pain is gone which should be around a week and a half, I hope

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Well its been 6 weeks and my doctor cleared me. I had a practice and i figured it would be alright if i get hit. So the first 5 min we are playin a little 3 on 3 half ice game and the first hit i get, I reinjure my collarbone. I couldnt believe it. it doesnt feel like i rebroke it but it hurts a bit. Did anyone else have an experince liek this with their collarbone before?

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yeah wings fan i broke mine 9 weeks ago and i have been back playing for 2 weeks and have got hit really hard and it hasnt bothered me ,but i played 2 shifts in a game 6 weeks after i broke it and it really hurt and i only got bumped but i took about 9 days off and was back playin and it was fine and felt great

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