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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wore out my Warrior Bentley blade...

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Hey guys, so like an idiot, I was using my Bentley OPS at an outdoor rink, and on the third pickup game, I noticed that the internal structure of the bottom of my blade has fallen out, making my shots very weak.

Rather then buy a new two piece, i want to try to salvage my OPS as long at I can. My other option would be to use my very old Easton Aluminum which is very heavy and stiff.

I have searched online about cutting my OPS at the "exact spot" to fit a tapered blade, or flipping it over and placing a standard blade where the handle was. The problem I have with the first option is that since I will be using this stick outdoors, I haven't seen any ABS tapered blades, which I plan to use.

I have also read that if you flip over a tapered OPS, it will seriously change the dynamics of the stick for the worse in terms of shooting. Does anyone have any experience with this option? Also, I am 6'2 in sneakers, and would definitely need to attach a butt end where the blade was. How will this fit it is tapered? Thanks.

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