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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Steel Problems

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Alright so I have Bauer 80-90 skates and recently found (after biting it five times in a game and buying a round o' drinks for everyone), I realized that the steel (non perferated) was split right down the middle of my left skate . I went in to my lhs to get it repaired before all the games this weekend and ran into a bit of an issue. The only steel they had in my size was a perfed. right skate blade.

So I'm wondering what kinda problems I could experience using a right sided runner on a left skate?

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wow..... nothing. lol. its steel.. theyre not different.. just the side in which paint or lettering etc. is on. u have nothing to wurry about at all!

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I'm not sure about the Lightspeeds but my friend had a pair of Eastons a few years back and he installed the blades on his Razorblades backwards and they were fine. Besides the graphics facing inwards. Come to think of it I'm not sure if he put the left blade on the left skate. He might of done that but only switched the graphics to the inside.

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Alright thanks guys. Just didn't wanna step on with the feet goin opposite directions.

I think it's ok to do it as long as you don't care about where the graphics are.

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You'll be at differen't heights (unless the got'em down) and it'll be lighter (although you won't be able to tell) on the one side. Apperantly the perf steel is prone to breakage as well, so you might be going through this again. It really shouldn't cause any problems.

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