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Reebok 7K Sizing

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I've done a few searches to find if this has been covered before but didn't turn up anything, so hopefully I'm not retreading old ground

I was just wondering if anyone had any experience with/knew of the differences in width between the Reebok 7K large and medium? I ordered a large 6K from my local store but it turns out their supplier only does the 5K and 7K, so given the option I went for the large 7K (which with around a 59.5cm/23.4" head should fit fine). But now I've gotten it home and given it a proper try on it fits my head lengthways fine but the width is possibly a little too loose (the helmet stays put perfectly when I nod and shake my head, but there's some movement when I wobble it side to side, and the liner doesn't touch my temples).

I'm considering taking it back for a switch to a medium which the sizing chart suggests I should fit into (the large is pushed as tight/short as it will go).

Does anyone know if the medium 7K has a shorter circumference/width than the large?

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Yup, it should. The 5K has the same internals as the old 6K but with a 4K shell, you could try that in a L as another option.

It's interesting that the L 7K didn't fit properly. have you tried an old 8K in a L and used the Microdial to adjust the fit? Similar internals there.

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Thanks for the help. I think the 8K was one of the many I tried on, although I don't remember having much luck with the microdial - didn't seem to budge for me, guess either it could have been mishandled before by someone or I just wasn't doing it properly.

Just curious as I've not been able to find much example online, do you know how necessary it is for the foam liner to touch the temples? My old helmet did and I just took it for granted, but this 7K doesn't and looking at certain NHL'ers like the Sedins, for example, it doesn't look like the liner contacts their temples much.

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