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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sakic to yzerman curve conversion

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Like alot of people i used an yzerman curve for years and was distraught when i found out that they no longer really made them. no curve out there seems to be identical they all are different in some way or another, so.....

i bought this fisher rt one peice carbon with a sakic curve. note that its almost identical to the yzer but longer.


i really hated it. 100 quid and i couldnt hit a barn door. my shots were low, if i aimed at the bar it'd be mid net height. my wrist shot was terible so i cut the toe off.


around 23mm or 7/8 inch from the tip of the blade then copied the easton toe pattern from there. cut using a high speed cutting tool like a dremmel or 3" air tool with three cuts. straight down then the two corners.(one of the corners is missing from pic, went flying and lost) a fast bench grinder will smooth the 4 corners your left with and put a chamfer on the cut.

its then impotant to seal the carbon or it will just split.!!!

i have worked with carbon fibre in some motorsport applications, and the best way to bond the cut together is a good super glue,.apply liberally to the entire surface exposed by the work then wipe off the excess, this will dry clear on carbon. if you use a black cloth any fibre transfer isnt noticible lol. go back after its dry and touch in any parts that have sunk. for wooden blades id guess an epoxy resin would work.

the result was fantastic. i hit what i aim at and can transfer from the old yzerman to this and back again, looks and shoots the same :)



after a two hour training session the tip took some abuse and hasnt split and looks solid..


well happy with this mod ;-)

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