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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate width : only toe cap?

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Shopping around for skate yesterday, the salesman at my LHS told that the width rating (D,E,EE) was concerning only the toe cap and that the rest of the skate (heel width, etc) was identical.

Was he told me basically is that the manufacturer use one mold to make the skate for a specific size then put different toe cap to create D, E and EE width.

Could someone confirm that is true?

Thanks a lot

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Shopping around for skate yesterday, the salesman at my LHS told that the width rating (D,E,EE) was concerning only the toe cap and that the rest of the skate (heel width, etc) was identical.

Was he told me basically is that the manufacturer use one mold to make the skate for a specific size then put different toe cap to create D, E and EE width.

Could someone confirm that is true?

Thanks a lot

Your LHS salesman is an idiot.

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The toe cap is the biggest difference, but the entire skate is made with a wider mold. If you only need a bigger toe cap, buy a wide skate and bake it 1-2 times to make the rest of the boot fit your foot right.

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Thanks a lot for all the answers.

I did not misunderstood. He just had a EE width pair of skates he wanted to get rid of...

Again thanks to all of you. Without this forum I would have end up with the wrong pair of skates.

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