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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wheel choice for the ligher player

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After not playing roller hockey for 13 years, I picked it up again and joined a league. Its an outdoor league on an incredibly slick concrete surface. I'm slipping and sliding all over the place, when I stop (if my feet don't slide out from under me) I can expect to slide a foot or two before actualy coming to a stop. I felt it would be best to invest in some better wheels, and the ones I'll probably end up getting are Labeda grippers.

The thing is, I only weigh 125 lbs, and I'm not sure which hardness of wheel to get. I'm leaning towards geting the xsoft 74a wheels, but I'm concerned about wearing them out quickly and not getting my money's worth. For the tiny guy such as myself, what hardness of wheel do I go with?

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What type of wheels are you using now? If its the type of concrete that is in most skating rinks, someone your size could probably get away with 74 or 76. I'm 185 and had 74 rink rats and they started to tear apart after a game or two. If its a rougher type concrete then probably 76 would be the best. I would think anything above 78 would be to hard for you at your size.

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I'm using mission CSX wheels (78a) and they just aren't cutting it, but a lot of the other players are using the white Labeda grippers. I was just wondering if I should go with white, like other heavier players, or since I'm so little go with the xsoft red grippers? I don't want to get out on the rink and slide around on 76a wheels after spending a bunch of money on wheels. It's just a bummer, that one can't skate on a set of wheels to try them out.

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I would go with the 74a grippers if i was you. If it is a very smooth outdoor surface, the grippers wont get ruined quickly at ur size. And the xsof red grippers should improve your grip alot.

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I play on smooth concrete on 3 teams. I have tried virtually every wheel out there (well almost every wheel)... I have found for whatever reason, the harder Yellow Gripper works the best on concrete. However with your 125 lbs weight, you might want to try a combination of yellow and white Gripper's. Put yellows on the inside, white on the 1st and 4th positions.

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