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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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very easy & dumb money order question

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i feel like an ass for even asking, but should someone in canada have any trouble cashing a u.s. money order? anything i need to know about before i send it? i never had to deal with it before and i just wanted to know. thanks.

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If you get your money order from the USPS, I remember reading something about them having 2 kinds of money orders. I think one of them can't be cashed in Canada.

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If you deposit it in your bank they will give you the exchange rate at the date the check "clears", less a "handling fee" typically 1.5 - 3%..

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I've gotten a money order from Canada in the USD. Maybe the bank will do it for you? Or the US Bank will convert it to CDN.

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