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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Law Goalie

Cooper Pants, M/L, blue w/ white stripes -- $10 + s/h

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I've got a pair of Cooper pants to get rid of, and I figured I'd offer them up to the MSH crew before I donate them. They're in terrific shape, with only a few loose threads; the primary material is very high Denier nylon -- primarily Leafs' blue with white stripes. The size is a mystery, but I'd guess they're made for a 34" waist, give or take a couple in either direction -- say around a medium or large, roughly. All I'm asking is a couple bucks for packing and a pint of Guinness at the pub near the post office; buyer pays shipping, of course.

I'll do my best to keep the shipping to a minimum. By removing the thigh-pads, I can collapse them down pretty nicely, and they easily slip right back in. Let me know your postal code/zip code, and we'll figure it out.

I'd also take a pair of beaten-up, predominantly navy blue gloves in trade, provided the fingers are in OK condition; just looking for something as a project.

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Hey Dev-- C/A's already on its way, as per my PM. Trust me, these pants are NOT suitable for goaltending. :smile: They're nice pants, but they just don't move the way a goalie needs to move. I also PMed you some info about a couple of *really* interesting masks (not mine), and that info you asked for about knee-pads.

And, just to be clear, the pants *are* spoken for -- just not actually in AIR's hands yet.

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