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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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APXR vs RX60 sizing

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Has anyone here owned both the RX60 and the APXR skates? Did you find any difference in fit? I own the APXR but they are about a half size too small. I can get an RX:60 in my correct size, at a great deal, just wondering if there were any difference in the way the two skates fit.


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what size apxr do you have?

chip1441 has both. i asked him the same question in a PM and this was his response:

Sorry for the late reply...

Footprint is about the same. Just a hair less depth in my opinion. My foot fit the x60's well, but it was a bit tall, e.i. there was some forefoot gap above my foot. The toe box is about the same. Behind the toe cap, I had some air above my foot. I didn't bake the x60s or anything. Maybe that would have helped.

Fully baked APXR's have no gap above my foot when i lace up. I do prefer a snug fit.

I was looking at getting x7.0s and converting them, but the second store I went to had the APXRs in stock so I decided to try them. For about the same price as converting, I was sold. I am an 8D size. Fit like a dream. Just really, REALLY stiff. Mine probably are not fully broken in.

If you get them and then bake them, make sure you tie up the laces before storing them. The eyelets need the laces tied to help break in. Otherwise the top will be wide open.

Any other questions?

Hope that helps...

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Thanks for the reply. I generally always wear an 8EE (9.5EE shoes). I have the APXR in a 7.5EE. Lengthwise they are pretty much perfect. Width in the forefoot is just a tad too tight, but after a few skates they seem to be breaking in. Still would like a hair more room. I'm thinking of cutting off the little side tabs on the insole, pretty sure that would give me a bit more room. The biggest issue is volume. I fail the pencil test, and although I dont get lace bite, they do buldge in the upper middle, and I feel like forward flex is a little inhibited. I could probably live with the 7.5EE, especially after more break in, I just feel like going up a half size would give me that extra width, and that extra volume. Can't afford to sell these and get APXR in 8EE, but did find the RX60 in 8EE. I think after selling the APXR and getting the RX60, I'll break even. The only problem then will be whether I can stand not having the very best in the APXR.

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Honestly, I would stay with the 7.5EE apxr. Try baking them again and breaking them in more. The apxr is alot nicer of a skate in pretty much all aspects vs the rx60. Dont get me wrong though, the rx60 is a fantastic skate aswell.

On another note, another thing you could try is thinner socks. Get some super thin socks, either dress socks or skate socks or something of the nature. This could help more than you might think with your problem

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Certainly thinking of keeping them... though it's a lot of money to spend on a skate that doesn't fit as well as it could (if I went a half size up). Is it possible to have the APXR stretched a little. In particular a little wider in the forefoot? I'm guessing it is not possible to give it more volume in the upper middle.

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Yeah I have very a thin socks. I took out the insole and that certainly helps with the volume, though I'm not sure I can find a much thinner insole than what comes with the skates. Do you know of a insole that is definitely thinner than the stock one?

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I do not know of an insole that is definitely thinner than the stock one. I looked for a few mins online by simply googling "thinnest skate insoles" and alot of insoles came up. Take a look at yours, and a look at the ones online, you might be able to find something thinner.

Another thing to keep in mind is, As you break in the skate more, the felt on the tongue will compress a little, as will the insole, giving you a tiny bit more room.

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I went .5 size down in the APX. Hated the skate after about a dozen skates (although i'm sure most love it) because of severe lace bite issue which is weird because my X60's don't give me any lace bite. Now i'm stuck with a super expensive skate and do not use it.

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Do you think if you didnt go down .5 you would have been happier with the skate... possibly more volume where the lace bite was occuring?

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Thanks again for the feedback. I'm pretty positive that an 8EE would fit better, if just for the extra added width in the forefoot... but I think after breaking these in a little more, and possibly cutting the tabs off the insole, the 7.5EE should work.

Quick question... what is the recommended bake time and temp for the APXR? Ive seen conflicting reports... thanks!

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a size 8EE and 7.5EE will have the same width in the forefoot/toebox. The main difference will be the 8EE will be a little longer length wise.

Im not sure on heating, check the box/paper work it came with. It should include heat fitting instructions.

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