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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Sizing

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- Yes, I've read lots on the forums

- Yes I know on average Easton skates fit 1.5 sizes smaller than shoe

- Disregard everything I've read and get whatever feels good


My current Easton skates are SE 10's and size 8. I tried fitting a pencil behind my heal but when I do that my toes really push towards the toe... so I definitely think my size 8's are the right size for me.

(my Bauer's were size 7.5 and I could have probably gotten away with a size 7 judging by the pencil heal sizing trick).

Questions: Does it make sense that I could be 7 in Bauer and 8 in Eastons?

And more importantly... If Size 8 in SE 10's fit perfectly, what size would be my best match for the Easton EQ40 &EQ50??

reason I'm asking is I'm not sure I'll get a chance to try on the EQ40/50's again before I buy them.

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To answer your first question; it absolutely does make sense that you have a 7 in Bauer and 8 in Easton. Keep in mind and a fair warning that even between Easton skates of different years, many have had to alter sizes.

As an example, I'm an 8 in everyone else, 8.5 in S15s, 9 in S17s, back to 8.5 in EQ5s and if I remember correctly, the same 8.5 in EQ50s. The RSs I find, are truer to other company's sizes; I'm back to a comfortable 8.

I can't answer with certainty on the 2nd question, so I suppose you're taking a risk there.

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