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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Knee block replacement

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I just bought a pair of RBK P1 Pro and they are missing the knee blocks.

I was wondering where can I purchase knee blocks or what can I replace them with ? Maybe some homemade solution ?!?

Thank you

P.S. Here's the pic


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I'm pretty sure Sara has the templates for the P2 knee-block, or a very similar version of her own. I might even have an extra pair from a set of P2's kicking around somewhere.

Ideally, find out if you can get a P4-style knee-block with the NHL-legal extension; I think the name Reebok made up for it is 'MaxCoverage,' but it's been on most pro-issue pads since last season. It makes a huge difference.

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