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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Diablo Flex when cut?

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I found a brand new Warrior Diablo for $60 bucks, this will be my first high end stick, but one question.... It is 63" long and 85 flex. If i were to cut it 3-4", what flex would it be? I read somewhere that Warrior adds 3" to sticks but when cut it doesn't change the flex rating. Is this true? if not, does anyone know how much the flex will be after I cut it? I want to buy mainly because its a great price!

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Awesome! I'm going to get it for $50! I've only used wooden sticks, (im old school just getting back into the game) and this is going to be my 1st composite stick. It is brand new, never used but it does seem alittle too good to be true. The pessimist in me wants to really examine the stick to make sure its not broke or a fake (if they even exist). I'm going to pick up tomorrow, is there anything I can look for to tell if its broke or a fake? would a composite stick feel the same as a wooden stick if its broken? (letting it drop alittle on the heel to tell if solid)

The person selling didn't know much just reading this off the stick....'Sr: W03, Draper, Lie 5, 85 Flex'. Would a fake have all this printed on stick?

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It is legit! i just picked it up and its brand new. The owner got injured and gave some of his stuff to a friend to sell. She sold it for $50! I can't wait to use it!

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