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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RX 60 Problems

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Hey guys,

I recently bought a pair of RX60 skates and got them shipped from a friend in USA.

After around a month of skating on them I have found that the right hand skate is creaking whenever I apply lateral force in my skating stride.

I have also found that the front wheels (Stock red addictions) on the right hand skate are slipping out a fair bit, I'm not sure if that is from sweat on the rink being greasy.

I think that my skating form (or lack thereof) maybe is contributing to this as my old pairs of skates seem to go the same way, with the right boot breaking down first.

My problem is that a pair of RX 60's should not be doing this so early?

Help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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Check out my thread a few posts down. Same thing happened to me. The toe cap started to separate from the sole and leaked my sweat on the wheels while skating. This made it impossible to skate. The skates were under warranty and Bauer has replaced them with the newer APXR's

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Yeah I noticed that post was unsure if the creaking could be to cause but I have thrown an email to hockey monkey midway through last week yet to get a reply. May go straight to Bauer

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