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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick Fix Advice - Help!

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Ok, so my pee wee just got a new stick. To his credit, he was out in the driveway practicing shots off a shooting board.

I tell him (many times) "don't shoot to close to the edge of the board as you will hit the cement and ruin your new stick".

So his is taking slapshots and says "man, dad, I need better tape, this is coming apart..."

I say "huh?" and look at the bottom of his stick - "holy cra#%...."

Apparently his carry through was going off the end of the board and touching the cement.

Needless to say, he caught an earful about being more careful.

So here the damage, the bottom of the stick has the gloss coat scraped off and he got a bit into the composite (as if someone sanded an 1/16 off the bottom edge but didn't get all the way through).

So need some advice on repair -or- keeping the stick alive for as long as possible.

Q: Once the bottom edge is compromised, does that mean the stick will fall apart quickly?

Q: How would you recommend to reseal the bottom edge to prolong its life?

My guess is once that seal is broken - the stick is on a fast road to the graveyard.

Any words of wisdom or experience in fixing this issue?

Would epoxy or some type of clear sealant work?

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epoxy all the way, thats what its made of.

usually i have found the faster setting clear epoxies (90second) dont tend to set fully hard which aids chip resistance. all my ice sticks get a swipe of clear epoxy after a tape up and it delays wear through 2-3 times

possibly consider a light painting of epoxy followedby a stripe of tape with wet epoxy rubbed in lengthways followed by a fresh tape up and a stripe of epoxy down the bottom.

experiment with types of epoxy the 5 min metal filled type wears really well but can chip, i normally use the 90 second clear stuff for flexible repairs on boots linings etc

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