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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer XR Premier Skates

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it appears that the XR premier skates come with a traditional felt tongue + bauer's thick lacebite pad. is this correct?

the reason i am concerned is because, rx60s were the best fitting inline skate for me. but i am at the volume limit of the upper forefoot area in rx60s. the xr premier skates look identical to rx60 with the exception of different liner, tongue and wheels. since the rx60s came with the thinner form fit tongue, i am concerned the xr premiers would be a lower volume skate than rx60s if they have a traditional felt tongue + lacebite pad.

does anyone have the scoop on these?


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The XR Premier skates come with what they're calling the "Anatomical 2-piece Elite" with a metatarsal pad. It's only a very small width difference between the two tongues and it shouldn't create a noticeable difference in volume.

-Chris at IW Hockey

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