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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton S19 Shaft + Warrior blade (AK27 or Spyne Double D)

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I'm thinking of buying a Easton S19 shaft because my LHS has them for sale. I also have some Warrior blades lying around at home (AK27 and Spyne Double D). They are standard as is the shaft so in theory both should fit together fine. But i never used different companies together.

Is there a problem? Has anyone experiences with this particular set up?

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You're fine. If you find it slightly difficult to put it in, then take the time to heat up the shaft a bit more and if you find it a bit too easy to slide them in, put a piece of tape at the end of the hosel of the blade. Can't comment on performance.

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