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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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F/S TPS R8 gloves & 2 Cascade M11 Helmets

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14" Red/Black Tapered fit, cable knit. I got these a couple months ago, played two roller pickup games and then found out they're converting our rink into tennis courts. I'm thinning out to just a single set of gear. Great gloves, just not my ole faithfuls. $50 Shipped US.




2 Cascade M11's both in Medium. The White/Green one is barely used and shows VERY little signs of use. The Black/Red one has the graphics worn (or removed?) off the side and has a little more use on it. I'm planning on keeping whichever of these doesn't sell. I have a set of the ear guards if you'd like them. Both helmets are in perfect working order.

I picked these up off a certain other hockey forum a couple months ago. The black/red helmet had a broken (older style) ratchet. I had Cascade replace the ratchet and they also recertified it to January 2019. The White/Green one is certified until January 2018.

Asking $55 shipped US.






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