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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates that fit like Easton 1500 - general problems

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Haven't posted in a long while. Need some opinions here.

My Easton 1500's have lasted me 5 years or so but have recently fallen apart. Me liking Eaton so much, I bought S17's on sale for $199. Thinking they fit the same. Boy was I wrong. Wore them once and got a huge blister below the horseshoe padding around the ankle. Since this padding cannot be punched out I cannot skate on them which sucks and have recently listed them on the Bay.

In a nut shell I'm looking to buy something that fits like the Easton 1500 in a newer model boot. I have tried Graf G3's, seemed to fit me alright but felt apart.

Please help

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I'll ask the same question, because after I baked my S17s, it felt like I was wearing a sneaker. They were VERY comfortable and I had zero issues with blisters or rashes (I never wore socks in them either).

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