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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sande MAX980 pants

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I recieved these a few days ago and I've used them for two times so far and I thought I'd share my thoughts about them.

First of all they fit perfectly, thanks to so many adjustable straps. When my old CCM's were quite loose, these are quite tight which is actually good thing... you look better in them. ;) But even they are quite tight, they are still very mobile. More mobile than my old CCM 652 ever were.

These pants are very protective. I haven't had an opportunity to use other high-end pants so I can't compare much, but hard to imagine more protective pant. But there's a negative side when you have a lot of protection. Those pants are heavyish. Not that they are too heavy, but much heavier for example than my 652. Specially when they are wet they seem to weight quite a lot. But I don't mind, when they are on, you don't notice it as they fit so well and are so close to your body.

Rather take few extra grams than take some protection away. I got a very good deal and those pants seem to be very good quality, so I'm really glad. Too bad you don't see these pants around too much as Sande focuses on gloves.


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