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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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HIIT for hockey

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I’ve been looking around for ways to build my endurance and speed on the ice and have stumbled across HIIT. I put together a plan to do HIIT on a spin bike and I did that for a couple weeks. I went from a 20 second 100% HR 80 second 60% HR to a 35 sec 100% HR 60 sec 60% HR for 20-24 mins. I noticed a difference on the bike, but not on the ice. I was wondering if mocking my time on the ice and transferring that to the spin bike would work better. Kinda like an extreme HIIT if there is such a thing. I’m thinking of doing a 45 sec at 100%, then 1 min at about 40% my HR for about 1 hour. Anyone done this before?

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The first system you mentioned isn't a true HIIT. The second idea is true HIIT. Switch between 100% and a resting pace. As far as how long to spend on each, it seems as though you should be starting out at 1:2 or 1:3 work-to-rest ratio, and building up to eventually a 1:1 ratio. The beauty of this workout is that it takes so little time to get a great workout in at a fraction of the time it would take if you did distance training.

You can also do HIIT on different exercises, not just spin bike-- jump rope, burpees, high jumps, jumping jacks, etc.

You should definitely be seeing a difference on the ice, so I'm not sure why you werent. Are you warming up beforehand and stretching afterwards? Are you also lifting weights along with this HIIT training? How's your diet?

Good job though on finding HIIT, it's true hockey training!

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