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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm a new member here who has the itch to get back on the ice after a looooong layoff. I'm a firefighter in Massachusetts and work with a few guys who play at least one night a week. I have another post with a question about skates, but from looking around this great site I wanted to reflect a little bit on some of the equipment I had growing up, all of which appears to be out of production.

Going back about 25 years.......I loved my Titan TPM sticks and the Candien 6001 and 7001. My Bauer Custom Supreme skates (see my other question). I loved my Cooperalls. And yes, I was one of the few that liked the long pants. My Cooper SK2000 helmet, which still fits, though the foam leaves much to be desired. My Jofa 686 gloves. When I was in high school the cages we wore were the type that were much more open, as opposed to the grid pattern. I think a stick blade actually fit through the openings, and the bottom of the cage was always good for leaving a nice hockey related scar after the stitches were removed.

I was shocked to see the prices on the top of the line skates as I was searching around for an answer to my skate question. My skates were top of the line "back in the day" and I think they were around $250. I just found out there is a Hockey Monkey store a couple of towns over, so I'll have to take a ride there, which will probably push me over the edge to get back on skates, as well as make my OCD kick in when I see all the new stuff that I just have to have right then and there.

I'm sure I'll have some questions as time goes by as far as some of the brands and equipment go. As I said in my other post, there is a wealth of knowledge on this site and I look forward to spending some more time here.

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I'm from MA as well and yes there is a wealth of knowledge as well as a bunch of great people who always seem willing to help. Welcome to the site and back to hockey.

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