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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My hometown

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Royal Palm Beach, FL

A nice little town/village. About 15 miles away from West Palm and Palm Beach. We have a local outdoor rink about 3 miles away from my house, and a big complex (Skatezone) in neighboring Lake Worth, which is about 30 minutes away with our traffic. Our town is becoming pretty urban, we have just about every big chain store you can think of, and plenty of traffic. When my family moved here 14 years ago, most everything was woods. Now trees are hard to find and instead there are Super Walmarts/Targets. Atleast more skate spots...

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Finally got news for out new multisport complex. There will be one ice, 3500 or 4000 seats, an indoor stadium with a running track, inside soccer field, about 8 tennis courts, inside semi-olympic swimming pool, outdoor soccer field/football field, outdoor track, a 900 seat theater, a 300 seat theater, fitness room, multiple rooms for various sports as ballet, judo, karate, dance classes, painting classes, olympic wrestling. I think that's about it. It looks amazing, 31 million dollars, could be finished within 5 years.

And you already have all these things......

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Not really, only thing we have right now is the outdoor track and the Sale Leo Poulin that both will be modernized and will be fit into one big package. Everything else will be new, the Forum can only fit about 3000 to it's legal capacity. Believe me they woudn't spend 31 millions on a multi-sport complex if we would already all have that, rthe population would just complain about the project and the only complaints the city has had about the project is that the citizens think 5 years is too far down the road, they wish it would be completed under 3 years. We also want to modernize our equipment to compare ourselves to other cities such as Bathurst and even Campbellton. If we would already have that, the population would just complain that it's money spent for nothing. It's also a move to attract a major hockey team to the city, a 3500 seat arena is bigger then about 3/4 of the arena's in the Q right now. Alot of teams came to Edston to have a look at the arena cause they new it would be a viable city but turned away because of the old forum (Lewiston, Bathurst, PEI got the teams instead of us). They even made graphics about the profits the city would make if a Q team would be in the city and the profits with the new arena trippled, so I personally think it's a question of time and I see a Q team in Edmundston in the near future.

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