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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Questions about Graf sticks...

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Thinking I am going to give Graf a try. Just looking to try something different and I liked my old TPS R8 and R10 models....

Couple of questions though for those that have seen them....

1. Do the G75 Lite and regular G75 have the same grip??? Total Hockey lists the entire line as "Grip" models except for the G75 Lite. Is the Graf "grip" a combination of texture (ala One95/TotalOne/etc) and grip coating or just the texture??? I like having the tackiness of grip, so if the Lite is just texture - I will likely go with the regular G75. If they are the same, I will go with the Lite...

2. Patterns 44 and 66 look very similar. Hockey Monkey lists the 44 as similar to Drury and 66 as similar to Nash. The TPS Nash changed a few times (it was Sakic'ish at one time, but before that was more like a P106)... Total Hockey lists them all as lie 5.5 - which I thing is odd... There is a review by one person on TotalHockey saying the 66 pattern is like a Bauer PM9, but that is just one persons opinion. Makes sense though as they do not offer a PM9 pattern within the line... I ideally would like something like the P106.

Thank you...

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