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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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First Int Stick

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I am new to hockey, just started last year. I've been playing with 77flex Seniors cut down so 85-90ish flex. Have a Total One shaft with AK27 Vanek Blade that I use right now(love this curve but only available thru customizer on Warrior and Bauer). Would like to pick up a Flexy low kick INT stick to try out. $80-$100, would go to $120 if its a significantly better deal. Looking at the following, will probably have to go with a Zeterberg or Burrows Curve depending.

Warrior Dynasty - $110

Warrior - DT5 - $80

Easton EQ50 - $100

Easton Synergy ST - $80

Easton S15 - $80

Easton 65SII - $100

Bauer One80(Not low kick point so pretty much ruled out) - $70

Edit to add Warrior Diablo to this list for similar price point, Seen bad reviews though.

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