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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hespeler Alpha Nemesis blade

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the one i work had vector 100's for 79.99 a couple weeks ago, we ran out so we sold the alpha nemesis's as the replacement at 79.99. and my boss told me they were going down to that much, so no garuntees, but its looking like thell go down to around that price. and ive only seen one colour scheme of ALPHA nemesis's so when i wrote ALPHA i thought that was being specific enough, and when i wrote hespeler nemesis (blue and grey) i was doing my best at trying to let people know which one i was talking about. I shoudve wrote 2.0. Im sorry i led you all on.

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on the alpha nemesis- sc got in smyth and weight. on the 2.0's we've had a ton of curves in, a clone of every easton pattern and more they are all listed under numbers. for ex. pro 1, pro 2 etc.... plus the alfredsson ones we got in

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