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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Interesting section of the NHL's CBA

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I was just looking at some of the terms of the former collective bargaining agreement of the NHL, and I stumbled across this-

It's article 7, section 7.1 a-b.


No Strike, No Discrimination and Other Undertakings

7.1. (a) Neither the NHLPA nor any player shall authorize, encourage, or engage in any strike, work stoppage, slowdown or other concerted interference with the activities of any Club or of the League during the term of this Agreement. Nor shall any player decline to play or practice or in concert with any other person otherwise interfere with the activities of any Club or the League, or individually or in concert encourage any other player to do so because of picketing or a labor dispute involving any other labor organization. The NHLPA shall not support or condone any action of any player which is not in accordance with this Section 7.01 and the NHLPA shall exert reasonable efforts to induce compliance therewith.

( b ) Neither the League nor any Club shall engage in a lockout during the term of this Agreement.

Doesnt this mean that with they werent even supposed to/allowed have a strike/work stoppage over this? :unsure: Just a thought, with all the current rumors going around that the NHL might be back very soon.

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I could be wrong, but the strike didn't start until after the CBA expired.

It's actually a lockout, and yes...it was initiated after the CBA expired at midnight Sept 15th (if memory serves).

I can't believe how many times I've seen it called a Strike in various papers and other media outlets. It's simple enough detail of this story, that you'd think a responsible journalist (or at least a decent editor) would catch it.

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