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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A Unique Approach to Puck Angles

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A very cool contraption rigged up by Leafs goalie coach Rick St. Croix to help visualize the angle that the puck sees; a very common maxim that is taught apparently to beginner goalies. The goalies would position themselves (I would imagine) to maximize coverage between the strings, which are extrapolated vectors (boundaries) that the puck can take from that particular position.

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Cool concept. But how many times do you think they needed to pause the drill to get untangled from the wires? Scriv looked like a had a serious blocker issue there haha.

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I don't think it was a drill as much it was a theoretical demonstration. The 'tenders needn't have moved that much to get the concept behind it.

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