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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Possible cause of new Arch Pain.. Profile or Arch Pad

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So I recently purchased some Step Steel to and verified the profile at 10' slightly forward pitch. I have been sakting on 9' (stock Bauer profile, feels forward pitched). Both 5/8th hollow, and the same shop doing the work. At the time I also added a super thin arch pad to my footbed.

So last night at practice I had arch dicomfort for the first time. My first thought was that the arch pad is causing the discomfort, but I did notice the new steel seemed to put me on my arches a bit more.

Is it possible that a profile can cuase discomfort if its placing your weight in a diffrent spot? Or, is it possible that the thin arch pad (5mil) is casuing this discomfort?


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