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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission skates - toe cap repair/replacement?

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Does Mission or anyone else do toe cap replacement? One of my players has Axiom T10 skates and one of the toe caps has a big crack in it from a shot.

They're still relatively new - only a few months old - and in great shape. Hoping that he's not out of luck and in need of a new pair. He plays travel hockey as well as upper level varsity, so he's going to face some good shooters and I don't want him to run the risk of breaking a few toes.

One of our assistant coaches is an auto body guy. Thinking he might be able to do a carbon fiber cap/patch, but that would be a plan B if Mission or a repair shop could do a nice repair job.

Any suggestions?

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