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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tuuk LS2 Holder-3 sets of steel, x60 gloves and pants

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I have a set ( L and R) TUUK LS2 holders 272 and 3 sets of steel available. Fusion, Blackedge Nano, and STEP. They have Forward Pitch and a 9/15 radius on them. The have less than 10 sharpenings on each one so you have a TON of life left. The BE and Step are over 170$ if you buy new, Fusion as you know is a love hate ( i liked it) and 100$ is for a set.

They will fit 7.5 EE, 8 and 8.5 skates. Came off a set of NXG supremes that are about 5 months old. I got a set of take of EDGE holders which is why I am selling.

I have a pair of 14 x60 gloves in good shape the palm has no holes. Black, white, Red

and a Large Pair of X60 pants with the inside leg cut up for mobility. Or in my mind mobility, I like it, you can zip it back to the tight leg deal.


HOW ABOUT 100$ for all Steel and Holders SHIPPED!!! ( canada might be a bit more on shipping, if it doesnt cost me more it wont cost you more )

Make an offer + shipping For the holders and the steel, ALL THREE Setsl- I need to get my holders swapped first

I will break up the steel. All are less than 5 months old and less than 10 sharpenings.

272 Holder TUUK LS 2: 30+ shipping

272 Blackedge nano. 9/15 radius forward pitch; 55+ shipping

272 Fusion 9/15 forward pitch 50 + shipping

272 Step 9/15 forward pitch 40+ shipping

40$ for the gloves+ shipping



40$ for the pants+ shipping.




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