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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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reebok 7k vs 9k shin pads

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I like the protection offered by Reebok (straps suck but I can cut) are the 9k's less bulky than the 7k ? or is it just an illusion 'cus the 9k's are black.

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I have the 9k's I like them, I use the shin guard sleeves, they rock! I had the Bauer TotalOne.8 but in a size 14" they are longer than the RBK's. I traded a guy on my team for them. The 9K's are wider then the total ones, but they are also shorter. Not sure if this helps.

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Yeah I does help, mostly trying to compare them I've tryed on 7k's which wernt bad, 18k which are a bit to bulky the 9k's say they have a slimmer molding but can't find any localy to try on.

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