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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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whats the difference between these 2?

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I'm really confused - what is the difference between hockeyandskateoutlet.com and hockeyoutlets.com???? They look like almost the same exact website - same graphics and everything. If they are really the same then why does one website have a few products the other does not? There has to be some sort of relation between the 2 websites i just dont know what it is.

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but one website has innovative pro stock kovalev blades and the other doesnt

heh...just order from the one that does then ;]

seriously though...look at the store info...they both have the same address/phone number. i'm sure you can call and order over the phone if you want.

i was gonna get a 420 flex inno 1100 shaft this morning but when i got there i was overwhelmed by all the stuff...too many choices so i couldn't decide what to get :[

oh and i saw the kovalev blades while i was there so they definitely have em. unless they have pro stock and retail ones and i was confused or something...

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