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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Innovative question

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Hey guys. Im interested in buying a right handed 1100 fedorov from hockey and skate outlet but i have a few questions.

1) has anyone bought any inno products from h.a.s.o. and did they have any problems?

2) are the prices on the site american or canadian?

3) do you know of any other sites that might sell an 1100 cheaper than h.a.s.o?

thx alot.

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i live near hockey outlet and a few guys i play with have 1100's that they got from there. AFAIK none have had any problems with the sticks. the two guys i talk to most love them...

prices are in USD.

not sure about better prices.

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k thx alot. do i just like type in my parents credit card number and then they'll automatically charge me in canadian dollars, or do i have to like set a limit or something? I've never bought anything off the net before.

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that i'm not sure about. i've never bought anything from them online...only in person. and in USD, heh.

they have a number you can call them at under "contact info" or "store info" or something like that. i'm sure they can help you out :]

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I had a bit of problem with the blades staying in. I had to first wash the inside of the shaft and put extra glue IN the shaft, other then that I had no problem with them. Great Shaft

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yeah on my 1100 i got 54.19 for duties. and on my sicores i got 48.76. i ordered a bunch more but i coulnt find any of the reciepts.

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I had a bit of problem with the blades staying in. I had to first wash the inside of the shaft and put extra glue IN the shaft, other then that I had no problem with them. Great Shaft

Have you tried some tape on the tenon?

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