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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Backwards to sideways push and ankle twisting

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I am having problems with skating form which makes me skate quite slow. My coach tells me that when I push against the ice I am pushing backwards too much and need to be pushing more to the side to make more efficient use of my stride. I didn't really notice it before as I was just skating in a way that feels natural.

So now I am consciously trying to turn my toes in more as I push but I find that it really feels like I am twisting and fighting my ankles. It feels very unnatural and I feel unstable.

Do you think it is just a matter of getting used to it and maybe strengthening my ankles, or should it not be feeling like that? Are there any tips for improving my leg or body positioning to counteract the twisting?

Just some basic info on me. I am 6'3", I have wide forefeet but narrow feet from midefoot backward. I skate on 10.5 Graf 709 narrows with the forefoot punched out to fit the wideness in the front.


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Make sure your skates are laced properly in the ankle area.

Appropriate footbeds could also help you out.

Also you may want to check your alignment but with hockey skates it's a tough one to adjust.

Skate stiffness could also be a factor but you don't have low-end skates so I wouldn't go there.

Perhaps shoot yourself skating and upload the video to the thread, then it will be easier to address the issue.

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