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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help with New RBZ 70 Skates

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New to the forum. I'm getting back into skating and the goal is to eventually pick up ice hockey.

I bought a new pair of CCM RBZ 70s from Sportchek a couple of weeks ago and have used them about 4 times. Great pair of skates.

I just noticed that the holder on the back portion of the right skate seems to have a gap? I can't remember if the holder was flush when I bought it. Anyways, it looks like there's some material under the holder preventing it from being flush against the bottom of the boot (see pic).


I have no issues skating at all. Just want to know if anyone knows what this is and if it's a defect in the skate or if I should be worried at all that the rivet/holder may become unstable over time? I've checked and the holder and rivet are not loose at all.

Thanks for the help.

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not a major issue, just a lack of attention to detail in manufacturing. More than likely you will end up pulling the back few rivits out soon as the lack of copper rivits anchoring the holder will become an issue.

your LHS should clean that extra plastic out when they put new ones in. Be sure to ask for copper rivits in the back, CCM cut a corner there. we've put coppers into quite a few rbz70s so far this season.

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Take it back to be repaired. It's not a big issue but you can see in the photo that the defect has also led to some separation between the outsole and upper boot. It is an opening for moisture to get in.

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